When I was a freshman, I was attending Lincoln High School. Now, I am attending San Pasqual Academy. When I was a freshman at Lincoln HIgh School, I was extremely lazy with my school work. I would always get in trouble for breaking rules by either disrupting the class, getting into fights, being truant, defiance towards my teachers, I would procrastinate, or lie a lot. For example, I always got sent o=out of my english class for disrupupting the class by talking to my neighbors or even talking back to my teacher in a rude way. I would be truant to my algebra class multiple times and leave school grounds during school hours. Also I got passing grades but I was on the urge of failing because I would procrastinate on all my work. Now that I am at San Pasqual Academy I no longer do what I used to do, well I procrastinmate still but that is basically it. This shows that i have changed magnificently since freshman year. This also shows that it is a good thing that I changed schools otherwise I most likey would be doing the same actions as before. By my senior year, I hope to be a good student and on top of my school work, my main focus is to not procastinate as much because how I act will change with who I hang around with.
Hope you acheive your goals Joey.